Dead of Technology in 2015

Dead of Technology in 2015

The development of technology is moving so fast, of course, this does not only affect the products and services available today. This has an impact on companies that shelter.

Each year, there are products or services that are closed due to several things like acquisitions, changes in product strategy, and the company will go out of business. In 2015, many of the services and products of the dead.

Any service or product that died this year? Following the service or product technologies that died in 2015, as reported by Mashable, Thursday (24/12/2015).

Various Death Music Services
Some streaming digital music stopped airing in 2015. Call it Rdio, Zune Music Pass, Songza, and Beats Music. After acquiring Beat Music, which is part of the Beats in 2014, Apple officially shut down the service on 30 November 2015.

Meanwhile, Google announced it would shut Songza the end of January 2016. In fact, Songza is a radio streaming service is much preferred.

Death Productivity Services
Not only music streaming service, some services productivity also died in 2015. For example, Mailbox, Tempo, Sunrise and Carousel. Many of which led to the death of such services, one in December, Dropbox announced that it would close the Mailbox and photo manager application, Caraousel in early 2016.

Facebook Closed Creative Labs
Facebook has tried to plunge into a number of smaller applications experiments for years. Last year saw the death of Facebook Poke, this year the company closed the Creative Labs division, which is responsible for applications such as Slingshot and Rooms and Rift.

Tata, Topsy, and HopStop
When Apple acquired a company, it is not rare that the company continues to exist as its own entity. That is why, it is not surprising, Apple's acquisition of the two services in 2013, HopStop and Topsy are now gone.

HopStop is good transportation applications and help users navigate mass transit in many cities. The service was closed in September 2015, shortly after the IOS 9 release. The Topsy, a social analyst services officially in December 2015.

Sony officially dismisses the Betamax cassette delivery in November 2015. The most amazing thing about this story is not because Sony stops selling the Betamax cassette. As a consumer format, Betamax died in the 1980s. However, the last format in broadcasting for 30 years. Betamax cassettes even live longer than VHS tapes.

News Applications
Over the past five years, many companies have tried to rediscover how to get the news. Applications news that died in 2015 and is Circa Prismatic.

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