This Smart Screen Fix It Wasteful Mobile Phone Batteries

This Smart Screen Fix It Wasteful Mobile Phone Batteries smartphone

One of the most wasteful component of mobile phone battery is the screen. The main user when setting the maximum screen brightness level when tested the phone in the sun.

Boddle Technologies wants to overcome the wastefulness. Subsidiaries under the auspices of Oxford University that creates smart screen technology or smart-screen, as reported DigitalTrends, Friday (27/11/2015).

The screen uses phase-change material (PCM) which is hardly used at all power in operation. Even so, the screen will still provide a bright display. Even while in the sun though.

Because, PCM is a material that can adapt quickly in a variety of conditions. At a given temperature, the material is quickly melted and solidified sooner.

Another uniqueness, this material can absorb energy at one time, store it and then remove it at any given moment. With these two capabilities, PCM can process the energy needed to operate the screen.

Thus, the screen does not need to be fed with PCM energy from cell phone batteries excessively. According Bodle Technologies founder Dr. Peiman Hosseini, smart screen creation would be much needed vendor.

"You have to charge the smartwatch every night. With the smart screen, you were charging once a week," he claimed.

Currently, smart screen is still in the testing process. Bodle Technologies said would soon be commercialized, but it is not clear when.

Within a year's time, Bodle Technologies will still brewing prototypes application smart screen with PCM.

According Bodle Technologies, smart screen with unlimited PCM utilization only for mobile phone screens. The material can also be used to create smart windows.

With high absorption capability and adaptability, a window with PCM can store the cold temperature of the room. So users do not need for long turn on the AC. It certainly will have an effect in saving electricity.

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